Meridian Family Law Is Focused On The Path That Benefits Our Clients And Their Futures
Divorce and other family legal matters are a fact of life for many families in Washington. While there is often emotional turmoil during such a difficult time, these feelings should not dictate the legal matter. Unfortunately, some family law attorneys are often guilty of inflaming tensions and promoting conflict by treating family law matters as a game to be won rather than a problem to be resolved. Not only is this short-sighted, but it often also results in more harm in the short term as well as the long term. That’s not how we do things at Meridian Family Law. We realize that it is important to consider how our clients and our clients’ entire families can be impacted by the legal process.
Instead of aiming for short-term results, we focus on your larger future – with legal representation that is focused on fostering stability and establishing a future with less conflict. We work with our clients to help mitigate harm to children in divorce or other family law matters and to reduce parental conflict and promote cooperation between parents where possible. Our attorneys and skilled staff share a common goal of helping clients prioritize their goals, reflect on creative options, weigh potential consequences of their actions, and take agreed affirmative steps to achieve their vision for the best outcome of their case.
To learn about each of our highly skilled and compassionate attorneys, you can read their bios by following the links below:

Jennifer A. Forquer

Sharon Friedrich
Managing Partner

Megan Stanley

Krista Stipe

Brien Galbraith

Kelly Stafford

Melanie A. Maxwell

Paige D. Haley
Of Counsel

Linda Mason Wilgis
Of Counsel

Susan Shulenberger
Of Counsel Mentoris Amicum

Lisa A. DuFour

Joe Hunt
A Note About Our Logo
Our logo reflects the underlying meaning of our firm name. A “meridian” is a great circle – a symbol of continuation and harmony. It also is seen as a high point of development or prosperity. Similarly, in acupuncture, a meridian is a set of pathways along with vital energy is said to flow. All describe a place of progress, growth, success, vitality, and harmony. Our firm aspires to these objectives for our clients and ourselves. The scope of our work is focused on those essential pathways and prioritizing what is most important.
Although a legal path may not be what you envisioned for your life, we strive to ensure that your path forward is supported, is informed, and leads to a more sustainable future.
Contact Us To Learn How We Can Help Your Family
Based in Seattle, Washington, Meridian Family Law serves clients throughout King, Snohomish, and Pierce counties. If you’re looking for a better approach to your divorce or other family law matter, contact us today to schedule an initial consultation with one of our talented and compassionate attorneys. Just call 206-569-5346 or fill out our online contact form.